Thursday, January 20, 2022

Liebster Award

 Hey Everyone!

I have never done a tag before so we will see how this goes! 


-Thank the blogger who nominated you.

Thank you, Martha!


1. What is one of your most random quirks?

Well, let's see. I sleep best when my dog or cat is lying next to me. 

2. Favorite season?

Most definitely spring!

3. Favorite non-domesticated animal?

I would say the wolf or any of the big cats. 

4. Do you like traveling?

I love to travel but I have not gotten many chances to.

5. Strangest book you have ever read?

I'm not sure. I can't really think of one. 😂

6. What is one food that everyone else seems to love that you can't stand?

Anything from Taco Casa. I know that isn't a specific food, but I can't stand them. 

7. Sweater, jacket, or hoodie?

Absolutely hoodie! Hoodie's rock!

8. Most underappreciated book/movie character of all time?

Little John from Robin Hood. Come on y'all! He is absolutely awesome!

9. What is a random thing you were afraid of as a child (i.e. under the bed, the basement, a crack in the wall somewhere in your house, etc.)?

I was terrified of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. That dude is sooo creepy!

10. What is a scent that makes you happy (like wet pavement, cookies in the oven, etc.)?

I love the musty smell of hay in the barn or that special smell of a horse's nose. There is absolutely nothing like that.

11. Hamburgers or hot dogs?

Hamburgers. Hot dogs are kind of weird. 

Questions for my followers: (please leave your answers in the comments! I would love to hear from you!)

1.  Dogs or cats?

2. Books or movies?

3. Most favorite sit-down restaurant?

4. Do you like going to museums or going on hikes?

5. Last movie you watched?

6. Most fun day of your life?

7. Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream?

Love Y'all!


Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Eve, everybody! It is finally here! Thus year has been hectic and maybe not what everyone was expecting but the Lord has been good and He is completely in control. Nothing happens that is outside of God's plan. I hope you all enjoy this wonderful time of year and the gathering of family and friends. Merry Christmas! Below are some Christmasy pictures that I took. ❤

Our Tree: 

Some homemade Christmas treats:

A random nutcracker:

Some pretty decorations:

And a wreath:

Merry Christmas! 

🎄❤ Grace 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thanksgiving Week! 🍁

One day till Thanksgiving, y'all! I'm super excited for the coming holiday. We have been busy baking, cooking, cleaning, and all of the other things you do before Thanksgiving. Below are some pictures of a Dutch Apple Pie I started to make.

Also some housekeeping, due to the upcoming holidays and how busy I have been I have decided to post on here once a month. I know I haven't posted consistently in awhile so this seems like a good idea. Thanks! 

Hope yall have a blessed Thanksgiving week!


Saturday, October 9, 2021


Hey yall! Let me introduce you to my little friend, Gracie. She is a a 4-year-old silver tabby who is an absolute sweetheart mixed with some sass. 

(That is my goldie/collie mix, Elsa) 

(lol she loves my laundry)

Hope this brought some joy to your life!

Grace ❤

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Happy Fall

Hey Y'all!

I am so sorry it has been awhile since my last post. I have been super busy with school and just life in general. 

Happy First Week of Fall! One of my favorite times of year is fall because all of the pretty colors come out, good smells are all over the place, and I finally get to wear sweatshirts. The smell of spice and the cool weather makes me want to curl up in a cozy chair with a good book and a yummy drink. I love this time of year because everyone is in a friendly mood and it is a good time to look over the past year at what the Lord has blessed me with. This year he has blessed me witha few fun classes in school, opportunities to go riding/competing, and good friends. What are three things you are thankful for? What do you like about fall? 

Love Y'all Bunches! 

-Grace ❤

Friday, August 13, 2021

A Day in My Life

Hey There! 

I figured that for today's post I would talk about my little business I have. I refinish furniture. It is relatively simple and it is a good way to work of stress and just relax. Basically, I look on Facebook Marketplace or at Goodwill and find solid pieces that I want to refinish. I take them home to my lovely workspace (the garage) and start the process. I remove the hardware, sand any rough spots, paint the piece, stain the top, and paint the hardware. That is the general process. Some pieces require a little more TLC before they are ready to sell but that is the general idea. Here are some pieces I have done. All of these sold from $100 to $200 a piece. 

Have a blessed rest of your week! 


Grace ❤

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Gentle and Lowly

Hey There! 

For birthday a few months ago I got an amazing book. To be honest I just started reading it but it is one of the best books I have read in awhile. It is Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. 

This book looks at Christ's heart for sinners. It is absolutely amazing. I have read through the first chapter so far and have enjoyed doing a study alongside this. It is easy to understand and if you are not a huge fan of reading, this book is pretty short and interesting. I love how in depth he goes in really looking at Christ's attitude and heart toward sinners. Definitely a great book so far! 

Have a blessed rest of your week! 

