Thursday, May 27, 2021

To My Big Bro


I am SO SORRY! I totally forgot that I haven't posted in a long time. Hmmm... So many things I could write about.. Well let's go with something that has been on my mind a lot recently.

Next week my oldest youngest brother is graduating from high school. (In other words my older brother that is closest to my age) This has been hard for me because he has been my best buddy for as long as I can remember. When I was in the middle school group at church I was anxious to get into the high school group where he was waiting. If I was doing something that I was scared to do Drew was (and still is) always there to go before me and to encourage me. I know that he isn't really going anywhere but it is still hard that he is moving on with his life and I am still trying to figure life out. 

He is moving on, getting a job, and trying to figure out what path he wants to follow. I am so proud that my big bro is moving on to the next phase of his life and I pray that he continues to grow in the godly handsome young man that he has already started to become. Whenever I have struggled in the past he was always there to encourage me and help me, so I hope that as he starts to step into his life that I can be an encouragement to him as he has been to me. I love ya big bro and good luck with your new job and responsibilities!

Again, I know that I am making this sound like he is dying or some horrible thing but I really will miss having him to help with me with my math and having him there when I want company at church. :)

Love ya, Bro! 

Have a good week, my peeps and I promise I shall return! 

